150th Events



10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

St. Pat’s Ballroom, Havener Center

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Miner Stories

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Lynnae (Kempf) and Joe Wilson

Lynnae (Kempf) and Joe Wilson

Lynnae (Kempf) and Joe Wilson met and became friends during their first week on campus as freshmen. “I was…

Nick Swanson and Julia Ingram

Nick Swanson and Julia Ingram

Although Nick Swanson and Julia Ingram met during an informational meeting for FRC Robotics during high school back in…

Tabitha (Fiske) and Brian Locke

Tabitha (Fiske) and Brian Locke

Tabitha (Fiske) and Brian Locke met in December 2009 when she dropped by a friend’s room to get help…

Ruth (Farrar) and Richard Kinsey

Ruth (Farrar) and Richard Kinsey

Ruth (Farrar) met Richard Kinsey on the steps of his fraternity, Phi Kappa Theta in 2011. Ruth grew up…

‘Mr. Miner’

‘Mr. Miner’

The name “Mr. Miner” may sound like someone related to mascot Joe Miner, and in Jerry Bayless’s case it…

Not your average Joe

Not your average Joe

You know all about Joe Miner, the world’s greatest mascot. But do you know Joe Minor, the civil engineer?…

150th Anniversary Time Capsule

Set to be sealed from Fall 2021 to 2071

Be a Part of History

Submit items or item ideas for the 150th anniversary time capsule, witch is set to be sealed in fall 2021 with instructions to be opened during S&T’s bicentennial in 2071.

150th anniversary time capsule, 33x23 inches.