Miner Stories /
After earning a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering in 1959, Jerry Bayless began teaching in the department…
John F. “Jack” Carney, who served as chancellor at S&T between 2005 and 2011, explains his reasons for…
Mun Choi, who has served as president of the University of Missouri System since 2017…
Harvest Collier, a professor of chemistry, served several years in the early 21st century as vice provost…
Mohammad “Mo” Dehghani, who has been chancellor at S&T since 2019, discusses what he believes…
After earning a bachelor’s degree in physics in 1967, Ron Epps began a long and illustrious career at NASA…
Martin C. Jischke, who served as chancellor at UMR between 1986 and 1991, describes the importance…
Janet Kavandi, who earned a master’s degree in chemistry in 1982, discusses the importance of…
Engineering management Chair Suzanna Long, who holds four degrees from the university…
Paula Lutz, who earned a bachelor’s degree in chemistry with a life science preference from UMR in 1976…