Hannah Ramsey-Standage and Chayne Standage

Hannah Ramsey-Standage and Chayne Standage met in 2014 after being cast in a Miner League Theatre Player production of “Grease” as a Pink Lady and a T-Bird, respectively.

Hannah Ramsey-Standage and Chayne Standage
Hannah Ramsey-Standage and Chayne Standage

“We became close friends during the rehearsal process and started dating a year and a half later,” she says. “One perk of being at a smaller school is being able to walk to class together, even when your buildings are in completely different places. That extra time with the person you love can improve any day.”

As students, the pair enjoyed spending time on the first floor of the library with friends working on homework, playing games and “blowing off steam” from the stresses of college life. The couple married in 2018, the same year that Hannah earned a bachelor’s degree in English.

Their relationship advice?

“Communication is everything, especially while you’re in school,” she says. “When you’re stressed about a test or assignment or just school in general, talk to your partner. When something in your relationship is bothering you, talk about it. Letting it fester won’t help.”

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